Motorbike FS2952T parked at the void deck of 384 Tampines St.32. If the relevant authority still don't take stern action against such acts, who will park in the parking lots?
Photo Taken On : 10 Jan 2009, 8.32pm
The Irresponsible motorists in Singapore - Drivers & Bikers including Cyclists. If you have photos to submit, kindly email me including details (date, time, place, vehicle number) of the incident to; Stomponli Email
There are far too many irresponsible motorists committing offences in Singapore daily and yet they get away with it.
These include drivers, bikers and even cyclists; their irresponsible acts are endangering the lifes of other road users. Main reasons are;
- lack of law enforcers
- fine and punishment not heavy enough to deter the act
- uncivic minded of the motorists
I hope that the relevant Authorities can start taking stern action against such irresponsible motorists!
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