Monday, December 10, 2007

SGS1228X At Blk.383 Tampines St.32 Void Deck

This vehicle SGS 1228X was spotted at the Void Deck of Blk.383 Tampines St.32 on the 9 Dec 2007 (Sun), 12.10pm. The driver was picking up his/her passengers in the void deck and having done that, reversed the vehicle out. At that time, it was only drizzling slightly and whether or not it pours, one should not drive or park his/her vehicle in the HDB Void Deck.

This is not the first time vehicles have been spotted having driven up to this void deck of Blk.383 Tampines St.32. The reason is that the gap for the handicapped and ambulance roller bed is too wide and the cars are able to pass thru. Maybe the authority should narrow up the gap and at the same time, fine the offenders more and punish them with more demerit points.

There is no reason to be at the void deck for any vehicles unless authorised to do so by the relevant authority.

Date and Time of Video Taken : 9 Dec 2007 (Sun), 12.10pm

Note : I've already feedback to Tampines Town Council on 10 Dec 2007 and waiting for their reply.

On 13 Dec 2007, Tampines Town Council replied that they will look into the case.

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