The Irresponsible motorists in Singapore - Drivers & Bikers including Cyclists.
If you have photos to submit, kindly email me including details (date, time, place, vehicle number) of the incident to;
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Saw this lorry dripping muddy water out of his lorry. Maybe the driver was not aware of it, but LTA should ensure that all lorry drivers should check for any leak before they leave the site and drive on the road. This is to ensure the safety of other road users especially the motorbikes.
In this video, you can see the stretch of road dirtied by this lorry. Droved past the lorry and horned hime to inform him of the leak.
Motorbike FS2952T parked at the void deck of 384 Tampines St.32. If the relevant authority still don't take stern action against such acts, who will park in the parking lots?
Look at this biker. Simply ride his bike and park at the void deck as if it's his private road and parking lot. I really hope that the relevant authority can take stern action against such act unless the authority is going to legalise it like cycling on footpath.
Video Taken On : 21 Jun 2008 at 5.52pm Location : Blk.384 Tampines St.32 Void Deck.
This lorry though was not taking the Lane 1 of the ECP, but the driver was still going way beyond its speed limit allowed. Take a look at the video below;
You can see that even though the left most lane was empty, the lorry took the middle (2nd) lane instead. Also the speed that it was travelling was at least more than 90km/h.
Finally the Tampines Town Council had erected 2 bollards to prevent vehicles from driving into the void deck at Blk.383 Tampines St.32. After numerous posts on such void deck parking and driving and complaints to the Town Councils, action have been taken to prevent it but at the expense of the residents here. I've not seen any vehicles driven into the void deck since the 2 bollards have been erected.
The funds used to erect such bollards should be taken from the fines (if any) they issued to those who drove or park in the void deck.
This seems to be the norm now for most motorists and I wonder why? If your lane is obstructed, you should slow down or stop before you drive or even speed up to the opposite direction lane and expecting the oncoming vehicles to give way to you. Take a look at the below video and you can see why;
This bike JKS2927 was found parked on the pedestrian footpath near to the East Spring Primary School (diagonally opp. to Tampines Mart) at Tampines St.33. I hope that the relevant authority can take very stern action against such illegal act (unless it's legal to park in such manner). Pls do not just give us past statistics on how many how been booked, etc... just get more warden to enforce the law. Kindly ensure that our aging population is safe on the footpath.
When the bus lane law is not enforced, we can see car like this one stopped at the bus stop. This car was spotted at the bus stop just outside the Beach Road St.John Headquarter;
Maybe in future,there will be a CCTV installed at all bus stop to deter such driver from stopping at bus stop and obstructing the traffic flow. This will be more effective than to dispatch a warden to book such driver.
This biker was riding on the footpath at Tampines Mart along the Tampines St.34. Such bikes here riding on footpath surrounding the perimeter of Tampines Mart is a daily affair. Despite my numerous emails to MP Mr.Mah, Town Council, Changi and Tampines NPP, TP, no strict action has been taken against such acts. Why? Why? Why? The bikers are still carrying on their illegal act on footpath daily and even when the NPP patrol car past by, they don't seem to have notice it!
Must we wait till an accident occur before we act? There are 3 schools around and a number of kindergarten and childcare centres in this area too. MPs for Tampines, all the residents wanted is a safe environment to stay in - is it very difficult???
The TP should launch an island wide campaign to catch these illegal footpath bikers like they catch those drink and drive! Pls do not give us statistics on how many you have booked over the years as the statistics clearly show that it is not enough! Get the NPP to do the job as well if the TP has insufficient manpower.
Photo and Video Taken On : 31 Mar 2008, 6.35pm at Tampines Mart.